The AI Regulatory Landscape: Navigating Current and Future Framework

The AI Regulatory Landscape: Navigating Current and Future Framework

work SCBX Unlocking AI EP 10: Responsible AI in Action: From Regulation to Real-World Impact

"Great power comes great responsibility"

This discourse is not only a global discourse for superheroes, but also fits into the modern world where AI influences almost every aspect of people's lives.

But there are always two sides to a coin. If used incorrectly, the disaster can also be exceeded. Therefore, everyone needs to learn how to use this technology responsibly.

SCBX Unlocking AI EP.10 was held under the theme Responsible AI in Action: From Regulation to Real-World Impact There were many interesting discussion topics in the first session of the event. Dr. Sak Sekkuntad, Digital Transformation Consultant from the Electronic Transaction Development Agency (EDA) or ETDA มาบรรยายเรื่อง “The AI Regulatory Landscape: Navigating Current and Future Framework”

SCBX has summarized the essence of this discussion for you to read. as follows

  • Many people may think that Thailand is behind the superpowers in the use of technology, but did you know that Thailand was the first country to draft a law on AI before ChatGPT? Therefore, government and private agencies are more alert to this matter.
  • There are two bills on AI: (Draft) Decree on the Operation of Service Businesses Using Artificial Intelligence Systems Prepared by the Office of the National Digital Economic and Social Commission (NESC) and (Draft) The Act on Promotion and Support of Artificial Intelligence Innovation in Thailand Prepared by ETDA in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, Thammasat University.
  • However, because the bill was drafted before ChatGPT took place, it could not be actually enforced. Experts suggest that the best way to fix it is to combine the good things from these two drafts.
  • Dr. Sak revealed the results of a survey that found that Thailand is prioritizing the development of AI as a 37th place This is quite high, but in terms of practical application of AI, it is found that there are only 86 agencies in the country. 15.2% actively active This is quite a small amount.
  • IPOS MONITOR 2024 The survey also found that Thai people trust companies that use AI not to misuse their personal information. It is considered the world's most beautiful country, but of course, trusting AI too much is not a good thing.

How much do you agree or disagree with the following? I trust that companies that use artificial intelligence will protect my personal data.

Source: Ipsos AI Monitor 2024
Source: Ipsos AI Monitor 2024
  • Dr. Sak said that the main function of ETDA is to find ways to implement AI so that Thai people can safely use AI. It is also ETDA's duty to encourage everyone to use it ethically and ethically.
  • for There are 7 ethical principles for using AI that should be followed. as follows
  1. Fair use, non-use of prejudice or discrimination
  2. It can be used and then explain how to use it transparently.
  3. Good governance. If the AI system used causes damage on one side, There must also be responsibility and responsibility.
  4. Protect privacy, pay attention to copyright, and the origin of the source must be legal. Do not violate anyone's work.
  5. Operate with safety Use it with reliability
  6. Use with social impact and benefits in mind.
  7. Don't let AI control humans Humans must have the freedom to use it, and they have the right to make final decisions.
  • Dr. Sak also said that if you want to create AI Governance, the government can do two things. It is to enact laws and regulations seriously. and A broad guide is a framework for use. If you want to supervise people to use it efficiently and responsibly, you should do both at the same time.
  • As for legislation, although there is no official law to regulate the use of AI, do not forget that there are other laws that can be used to regulate it as well, such as: Copyright Law PDPA Law, Technology Owner Protection Act, Computer Crime Act But the use of the law must also take into account what loopholes each bill has. If you encounter a 'gray' case, To what extent can we interpret it?
  • One of the problems that many people face is the use of AI to create fake news or deceive others, which is worrisome.
  • Not only Thailand is alert about AI laws or policies, but many countries Especially the great powers are trying to find different ways of supervision, such as:
    • European Union It seeks to set guidelines for regulating the introduction of AI products into the market, and tries to control the use of AI based on the risk in ascending order.
    • United States There has never been a law regulating AI before, but in the era of President Joe Biden, It is worth noting that the executives of major tech companies have also come out to tell the government to take AI seriously, such as Elon Musk from Tesla and Mark Zuckerberg from Meta.
    • English It is trying to invite many countries to sign the AI Safety Act to set guidelines for safety control in the use of technology that may change the world from the front of the hand to the back of the hand.
    • China There may not be a law that directly regulates AI because it focuses more on promoting its development and use in many areas, but there are monitoring agencies at a distance to ensure that AI is not used and has a negative impact on the Communist Party.
  • Dr. Sak recounted. AI Governance That is, the principle of overseeing the operation of all processes related to the application of AI by providing measures for supervision through policy formulation. Procedures and tools for the responsible application of AI.
Source: ETDA
Source: ETDA
  • AI governance is part of the internal governance structure, which is related to data governance because AI needs data to teach and process. In addition, AI Governance is governed by IT Governance. (AI ethical principle)
  • Dr. Sak also revealed: ETDA has put in place an AI framework to support its use of good governance under three key components. be
    • 1. Establish a governance structure.
    • 2. Determine the application strategy
    • 3. Supervision of AI-related operations
Source: ETDA
Source: ETDA
  • For the framework, including all of these guidelines. It can be downloaded and read in detail through the ETDA website, which will issue new guidelines to study every month and tell them in an easy-to-understand manner, which will help everyone see a rough guide to the next use of the same thing.
  • "One day, we will definitely have a law regulating AI, but while we wait for that day to come, we must prepare the organization and prepare the society for that day, ensuring that society will face the least risk in using AI, cause the least problems, and create the most benefits." Dr. Sak concluded.

For the slides that Dr. Sak used the lecture can be downloaded at

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