Opening the perspective of "Thee-Thachakorn Wachimon", CEO of Sertis on the future of AI in the business world and why people need to adapt.

เปิดมุมมอง “ธี-ธัชกรณ์ วชิรมน” CEO Sertis กับอนาคต AI ในโลกธุรกิจ และทำไมคนต้องปรับตัว

Certis ( Set The company was founded in 2014 at a time when AI and data were still very new to Thailand and ASEAN. By applying the knowledge from working abroad for many years, both e-commerce in China and technology startups in the UK, he saw opportunities in AI and data that are rarely done in Thailand.

"After returning to Thailand, I founded Sertis because we wanted to be the leading AI company in the region. Thee-Thachakorn Wachimon, CEO and Founder of Certis Co., Ltd. Opening Interview

Thachakorn I had the opportunity to work in China around 2010 and saw a lot of digital transformation. After the SARS crisis, Chinese e-commerce is starting to grow, electronic payment systems (e-Payment) are starting to come in. Led by Alibaba

And before that, around 2005, I had the opportunity to work as a consultant for banks in the UK and Europe. I have seen that the Banking System, whether it is credit management, loans, has started to use computers to think instead of humans. Therefore, it is seen that the trend starts from a specific business, before it becomes a trend that people cannot avoid.

"I see the background of e-commerce and e-payment, it's about AI and data, which helps me see that it is inevitable that we will use computers to help humans think."

AI will disrupt everything. People must quickly adapt to catch up.
Seven years ago, AI and data were very new to Thailand. Thachakorn said that Thailand at that time was still a traditional focus. Some organizations still do not have a digital strategy because most organizations still do not see that AI and data are intangible and how they will benefit the organization, but there are some organizations that think a lot about moving forward and will start looking for people to help drive them. Being the first service provider. Certis must educate people a lot about AI and data.

"I see it as an opportunity and good luck to meet an organization that has the same beliefs as us, has a similar passion, and has the courage to move forward at a time when people are not very active."

Thachakorn He continued, "Some people forget that the world is surrounded by AI, every time they open their mobile phone, there is AI, they open emails, there is AI screening, they search on Google or watch YouTube, there is AI, AI is all around.

"In the future, there will be no business that does not use AI, I think our world is going to move towards an era that we call the AI Age.

A similar one was almost 30 years ago. When the internet was just beginning, people said that the internet was just for high-tech companies, or later there would be smartphones and social media. For some people, or for some industries, AI may not be here yet, but when it does, it may be too late. Organizations need to prepare quickly before it arrives.

AI will disrupt people who don't adapt. Which organizations that use AI will survive? Those who do not use it will start to compete more difficult by dividing it into 2 perspectives:

1. People will not lose their jobs, but they have to reskill like in an era when everyone used to type, and computers came in, people switched to computers instead, but one of the things that was forced to adapt was the photocopier.

2. Thailand has entered the era of an aging society and fewer people have children, which means that there will not be enough people to work again. And this is happening all over the world, which is the right time, and it is also an opportunity to use technology to solve social problems.

AI helps improve marketing, sales,
In addition to AI helping people not to have to work repeatedly and to help improve people's lives, in terms of business, AI is also an important mechanism for good marketing and sales. Whether it's promoting at the right time, letting people see the message they want, or even choosing the right font and color.

"Ask if humans can do it, but AI can do it faster." Thachakorn say

Thachakorn He continued that AI can learn from its own experience and can be customized for millions of people, that is, instead of everyone receiving the same promotion, in the future, AI will be able to send advertisements or promotions that are suitable for each person.

"I think in the future, it will be adjusted to say that Mr. A likes to play golf, Mr. B likes tennis. When a brand wants to promote a beverage product, Mr. A is advertised as a golf suit. Mr. B will see a picture of a tennis player who can change his style to suit each person's lifestyle."

in addition Thachakorn He also sees that the future of brand communication and marketing promotion will use AI to help create brand characters without the need for real people. Adjust your appearance according to the desired trend, such as some short haircuts, some long haircuts, or a unique hair color each day.

Sertis advises organizations to understand the business and choose the right AI
For businesses that are new to AI and don't know what it can do, Sertis recommends that the first and most important thing is to understand yourself first and consider where you think AI can help.

The next step is to see if the organization has ready information. Is there a system in place?

The last step is to discuss and consult with people who have real experience. Let's talk about this knowledge and share what the business is doing, and what AI can help in. What is ready, or what is not ready, then find a way to develop.

"AI is here, but do we know it's coming, and do we know if our competitors are using AI? Many of the leading companies in the region are already using AI, but you may not know that they are starting to use it."

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