งาน SCBX Unlocking AI EP 10: Responsible AI in Action: From Regulation to Real-World Impact

Closing the event SCBX Unlocking AI EP.10 Responsible AI in Action: From Regulation to Real-World Impact With a discussion on Kickstarting All In Organizations: Creating Responsible AI Policies and Best Practices for Compliance
The event featured speakers who have been in the field of AI in Thailand to provide comprehensive opinions on AI policymaking, the push for responsible use of AI, and many more.
- Dr. Sak Sekkuntad Digital Transformation Consultant from the Electronic Transaction Development Agency (ETA) or ETDA
- Ms. Kritiyanee Burantrivet Lawyers and Partners from Baker McKenzie
- Mr. Thiranan Arunwattankul Chief Operating Officer company MONIX limit
- Mr. Nattapol Jongcharoonkiet Vice President จาก company PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited or GC
- Mr. Worawisut Piñoyang Co-Founder จาก ImpactMind.ai and Insiderly.ai Acting as a host
The content of this discussion has many interesting issues, SCBX has summarized the essence of this discussion for you to read. as follows
Operate AI safely Don't forget to educate the User.

- Mr. Nattapol said that one of the cases of unsafe use of AI is the case of employees of Samsung Bring the organization's internal data to GenAI to learn until the secret is leaked to the public. This case has highlighted the importance of cyber security, and GC has used this case to remind everyone in the organization that: The more it is a large organization. The more attention we need to pay to this matter. Because if a problem occurs, the damage faced by a large organization will be many times greater than that of a small organization.
- Mr. Nattapol suggested that many organizations are trying to find technical protection methods, but they may forget that another thing that needs to be done at the same time is to educate users so that they can use it safely at the same time. Because even if the encryption is almost dead. If people in the organization do not understand or know about it. In the end, there will be a problem of data leakage or endless careless use.
Good AI Governance Model Legal and governance aspects must be taken into account.
- Ms. Kritiyanee said that there are many law firms that use AI to help work widely, but there are strict rules that they must be used with good governance and must strictly contract with service providers that the input data must not be leaked to the outside. Lawyers themselves must be careful not to include confidential information.
- "Even if there is no law on AI, as lawyers, we should not make our clients' data Confidential information has been leaked."
- Baker McKenzie's lawyer also recommends that: An organization with a good AI governance model will explain to employees how important it is to use AI responsibly in the first place. Don't forget that when you sign a contract to join the organization. Everywhere there is a requirement to respect the company's rules. If the AI is used negligently, the company may be sued. This is something that has happened before.
- However, many people may use GenAI to create their work, but those works are inadvertently club-like with other people's work, which of course, if used in the wrong way, can lead to lawsuits.
- Mr. Kritiyanee gave the principle of considering which elements are the same without problems, such as: If there is a novel with a plot similar to another, then it is not the same as the other. However, it may not be considered plagiarism or copyright infringement.
- However, if you drill into the details and find The character traits are the same. The location of the story is the same. The scene of the incident is similar. Anyone who sees it will immediately think of another story. This case has a high risk of being sued by the real owner of the work.
Guidelines for the use of AI with the public and private sectors
- Dr. Sak said that government agencies are as alert about using GenAI as the private sector. It is emphasized that people at the head level If any tasks are assigned to subordinates. The boss must always check what areas his subordinates are using AI to help. Or not? Some organizations have regulations that prohibit civil servants from using their AI through mobile phones, and this practice is about to be transmitted directly to all civil servants at the same time. If any private agency wants to use the guidelines, they can also use them.
- Dr. Sak emphasized that we can use GenAI to help with work, but we should be honest and know what can be used is not illegal. It is not against the code of ethics and ethics, and there is a random risk of being illegal and unethical. The person is the chief who is responsible for inspecting the work of his subordinates. You must know this point and not let it go easily.
- Mr. Thiranan added: Even though there are guidelines for everyone to adhere to, every organization must also adapt it to the context of each organization. Each place has a different context. Whether it is a public or private organization.
Human development must go hand in hand with the use of technology.
- Mr. Thiranan He emphasized that even though technology is used in work, it is always necessary to focus on human development. The important thing is not to be too confident in using technology because if it is used with prejudice, it will cause problems as a result.
- And don't think that when a problem occurs, the employee will not be at fault. The organization can also order the employee to be punished, which depends on the severity of the offense. Organizations must be decisive so as not to cause repeat offenses in the future.
- Mr. Nattapol added that all organizations One Size Fits All measures should not be used to educate everyone about AI. Don't think that you have to provide the same set of information and everyone will understand the same. Don't forget how many levels of AI Users there are in your organization. What level of people should know about what, which each person in each position has different things to know and precautions.
Precautions for using AI that everyone must know
- Ms. Kritiyanee suggested: Before using an AI, read the terms of use carefully. Because each one has different requirements behind the scenes. Some of them when we use them. The copyright in the work belongs entirely to us, but some do not grant the right to the work as our copyright. The contract must be read carefully, which is actually not only about the use of AI, but also about the use of all applications.
- Dr. Sak emphasized that we There may not be any formal laws governing AI, but don't forget that we have other laws as well. Still, don't be too afraid of the law to dare not use it or use it to the extreme. Ask ChatGPT so much that you don't find any information from other sources.
- จงใช้งานอย่างมี Critical Thinking And use it to suit your own way and the organization will be the best.