Establishment of AI Startup Alliance and AI Developer Group

การก่อตั้ง AI Startup Alliance และการรวมกลุ่ม AI Developer Group

5 AI Startup เปิดตัว AI Startup Alliance และ AI Developer Group

5 AI Startups ได้แก่ AThenaAI, Perceptra, Gowajee, Eidy และ Float16 ได้ร่วมกับเปิดตัว AI Startup Alliance และ AI Developer Group

The AI Startup Alliance is a collaboration between 5 companies.

The main problem encountered in Thailand's AI industry is that the structure of the AI industry is not as suitable as it should be. Compared to the AI industry of the world's leading countries. An example of the value chain structure for the overseas AI industry is divided into 5 stages:

1) Infrastructure (Datacenter, ต้นน้ำ)

2) Manage service

3) AI Model

4) Application (Startup, Software house)

5) Service and Solution (Turnkey solution, System integrator, ปลายน้ำ)

The main problem with AI startups today is the need to do everything from upstream (buying or renting their own servers) to downstream (providing AI services through their own applications) in order to be able to serve their customers. As a result, it requires a large team and must work in areas that are not the core expertise of the founders.

The collaboration between 5 AI startups is the beginning of a new phenomenon in the AI startup industry that aims to promote the development of AI startups. This may result in Thai AI not being able to compete in the global market.

The goal of this ecosystem is to create a space for AI developers in different parts of the value chain to have a common ground and a starting point in the AI industry. It is hoped that if this initiative is successful, there will be more cooperation in this way in both the public and private sectors.

The 5 AI startups participating in this press conference have agreed to cooperate in 4 dimensions, including:

  1. AI Developer and Advanced Technology Community (AI Developer Group) Because the AI industry market requires a strong basic knowledge and understanding of AI. In addition, media and technology parity in Thailand are still lagging behind the world's leading countries, resulting in the consumption of AI software in Thailand is difficult for most entrepreneurs. A long pre-sale process is required and additional customer education must be provided for Thai organizations to accept and use the technology. Compared to the international market. Therefore, there are plans to collaborate to create an AI Developer Group to raise awareness about standardized AI development and the proper use of AI. It can be observed that most Thai software companies do not have a Developer Advocate or Developer Relationship that helps services connect with each other, and there is a lack of understanding of the overall value chain, such as API-first business or infrastructure business, so there is an intention to gather together to create more knowledge and educational resources for developers.
  2. research There is a recognition of redundancy and opportunities for joint research development between startups, especially in acquiring data to be used for each startup's AI development.
  3. Access to 4,096 H100 cards will be a tool that helps the AI Startup Alliance to be confident in expanding its business overseas and support its use for users across Asia and around the world.
  4. Investor and Founder Community We are pleased to encourage other AI Startup founders to reach out to investors or global events that will create awareness and growth potential for Thai startups. To increase opportunities for Thai startups to continuously appear on the global stage.

What we will do

  1. Creating educational materials about AI technology and the application of APIs or AI as part of the Feature in the Application or Solution for System Integrators, as well as creating educational resources for developers in the field of standardized AI development.
  2. Exchange and update information about software standards. Laws of each country List of investors and funds, as well as events held in Asia between network partners.
  3. Float16 has a mission to seek opportunities to present the Alliance to the private and public sectors abroad, as well as to attend events or conferences directly related to the Alliance.
  4. Float16 is responsible for building the SEA AI researcher community in Southeast Asia in collaboration with the Sailor and SeaLLM teams.
  5. Strengthen the in-depth exchange of knowledge necessary to improve the efficiency of the entire value chain.


Developer & Software house

Developer resources such as youtube playlists, tutorials, project examples, and AI user manuals can be used to study and experiment with it as one of the features of the application or project.

They can upskill their AI use cases through online channels and media published on Youtube, and can ask questions related to AI applications or use cases in social groups.

SIs can request demos, sell handbooks, and app catalogs from the Alliance to be part of their solution.


You can upskill your AI application through online channels and media published on Youtube, and you can ask questions related to AI application or use cases in social groups.

โดย Startup สามารถ Request ขอการ Training, Consult และการ Launch product ออกสู่ตลาด


VCs can recommend AI Events that should be attended and introduce through the Alliance to partners who focus specifically on AI at any time.

Termination Period

6 months (31 Dec 2024) to prepare the summary and future direction.

List of Startups

List of Press Releases

  • Prof. Dr. Wipr Wipraksit, CEO of AThenaAI
  • ดร.วราสิณี ฉายแสงมงคล Co-Founder Perceptra
  • Dr. Nawaporn Nalita CEO Eidy
  • Mr. Pisut Huang, CEO of Gowajee
  • Mr. Matichon Manikat, CEO

Details about Startup


AThenaAI is a company specializing in genetic analysis and bioinformatics. Focus on developing and providing software that facilitates in-depth analysis of genetic data with Next-Generation Sequencing technology to support medical research and applications. and the development of precision medicine in Thailand and Southeast Asia by using knowledge in various fields such as hematology, genetics, artificial intelligence, Natural language processing and big data analytics.


Perceptra is the developer of an artificial intelligence platform for medical imaging that creates an AI Assistant that helps radiologists diagnose lung X-ray images. Over the past 5 years, Perceputra is a pioneer and leader in the medical artificial intelligence market. It has expanded its customer base to more than 90 hospitals nationwide and is the first artificial intelligence developer in Thailand to receive global ISO standards and be certified by the FDA in Thailand and Singapore. In 2024, Perceptra's portfolio will expand to include AI to help diagnose breast cancer from AI mammograms, to detect diabetic retinopathy in images from Fundus Camera, and AI to help diagnose brain CT images.


Eidy is a large-scale language model in medicine that focuses on the development of foundation models. Creating a foundation model like LLM to be smart and secure enough requires a huge amount of cooperation, resources, and support from both the government and the expansion of regulations to make room for research and implementation in the real world.


Gowajee is an AI startup that makes foundational models, specializing in transcription and generative voice.

Float16 is a developer of Managed GPU Resource platforms that focuses on maximizing the efficiency of GPUs, focusing on the use of GPUs in a full range of AI services, including training & inference AI, AI deployment, optimized AI, and serverless GPU services, which can reduce installation time by up to 40 times from months to hours and reduce costs by up to 90%.

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